People, Product and Company

October 2, 2024

About People / 关于人

  • Cognition determines the ceiling / 认知决定上限
  • Financial returns compensate for cognitive / 财务回报是对认知的补偿
  • Three teams of 5 >> One team of 50 / 三个 5 人小团队远胜一个 50 人大团队
  • More means slow, slow means failure / 人多则慢,慢则败
  • There's a method to every madness / 所有的不合理背后都有一个必然,说明你没看懂

About Product / 关于产品

  • Strategy before tactics / 判断做什么比怎么做更重要
  • Product growth is a process, not a result / 产品增长是一个过程,而非结果
  • Build the product every participant is selling, even excited about / 打造参与者都愿意分享甚至为之兴奋的产品
  • You cannot build a great product if you are not even a user / 如果你自己都不是用户,你无法打造出好的产品
  • Timing is always more crucial than you think / Timing 往往比想象中的重要

About Team and Company / 关于团队和公司

  • A company's first priority is profitability / 公司的首要任务是盈利
  • Vision determines the path, the path determines the ultimate ceiling / Vision 决定路径,路径决定最终的天花板
  • Taking the high road is ten times tougher, figure out where that tenfold comes from / 站着挣钱难十倍,要想清楚这十倍从何而来
    • When you're in a cutthroat competition, you've already lost / 当你在贴身竞争的时候,你已经输(迷失)了
  • Align context, not to-do lists / 对齐上下文,而非待办事项列表
    • Context, not control 懂得都懂
  • Looking back, a company has at most 3 important things in a year, the core team's task is to identify these things at low cost / 回顾过去,一家公司一年最多只有 3 件重要事情,核心团队的任务是以低成本找准这几件事
  • Don't let tactical diligence mask strategic laziness / 不要让战术上的勤奋掩盖战略上的懒惰


  • Context -> Cognitive -> Action -> Result / Context 影响认知,认知决定行动,行动产生结果
    • Backtracking from results often leads to bad results / 倒着来只能求锤得锤